Like, for real, as you don’t know what is to come in the next few minutes, also can you not predict the human mind.
I mean
You never can tell if that your high school girlfriend will break up with you before you meet tomorrow.
You never can tell if your loyal dog is going to backstab you on your way to the office.
You never can tell if your lovey-dovey wife or husband is going to surprise you with a divorce note on the bed at night.
You never can tell if…
But how can you deal with these uncertainties?
Well, as there’s no absolute way, there’s still a way – one that has always worked for me.
Always expect the worst and the best simultaneously.
This means that, as you look out for the pleasant side of people, always hope for the day they will show you their worst as well. Your ability to carry on your good deeds with the expectation that they will one day disappoint you is what makes disappointment less disturbing.
That way, your mind is made up to understand that,
“Well, he’s just a human like me, and one day he’ll show me his bad side.”
You’ve just escaped the drama that’s to come in due time!
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